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Problem Definition

truepositionTruePosition was implementing a system to manage the Wireless Location System (WLS) mandated by federal law for all new cell phones in the United States, allowing them to be triangulated for 911 calls. TruePosition wanted to train its clients’ network operators how to use the WLS system. Because of the highly technical and business critical nature of the system, trainees must demonstrate content mastery by passing an operator certification evaluation.


After meeting with TruePosition’s SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) on the new system, Intulogy’s capability at technical writing and software training development was directed towards designing and developing curricula and end user support aids. This included a one-week training course with the following elements:

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Special Skills Used

Intulogy used their technical writing skills to deliver a comprehensive training package to TruePosition. Intulogy was also able to use knowledge capture and desktop reviews to create most of the software training development remotely over the Internet, despite the fact that the project was more highly technical than most. This allowed Intulogy to standardize procedures and simplify difficult content for the end users.

Benefit to Client

The client updated its training program to match the latest software version without having to increase its permanent training staff.

Since most of the development was handled remotely, TruePosition was not required to sacrifice space at their facility for Intulogy. Intulogy kept travel costs low by efficiently scheduling client meetings and information gathering trips.


TruePosition was so pleased with Intulogy’s software training development process that they asked Intulogy to become a long-term training parnter. Intulogy delivers certification courses to major wireless carriers on their behalf. This was Intulogy’s second engagement with TruePosition.

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