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Defining Training Efficacy

How do you know that your training program is successful? Do people learn the material? Can training efficacy and long-term results be measured? Is the training program efficient, and does it produce a significant return on investment? These questions form the basis of training assessment.

Intulogy can work with your organization to implement the Kirkpatrick Levels of Evaluation with your training program. We can incorporate action items for each level to ensure measurable results for participant performance and overall program success.

Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation

Training Reaction: At the end of the training program, participants are asked to assess the value of the training they received. Intulogy’s training evaluation forms also ask participants to state specifically how they plan to use the program material and the results they expect to achieve.

Learning: Intulogy assesses participant learning through testing, skill practices, role-plays, simulations, group evaluations and other assessment tools. In order to measure the program’s value, the participant testing results are expressed as metrics that can be tracked and compared over time.

Behavior: After completing the training program, participants should demonstrate a change or improvement in on-the-job performance. Intulogy will work with you to ensure that performance-based objectives and metrics have been built into the training program.

Business Results: At this level, the measurement focuses on the actual business results achieved by program participants as they successfully apply the program education. Intulogy will help you identify and isolate metrics that can include output, quality, costs, time and customer satisfaction. Measurement at this level will compare the program’s monetary benefits with the program’s costs.

How Does Training Evaluation Create Value?

The first three levels of training assessment focus on the participants:

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  • How do they initially respond to the program?
  • Do they learn?
  • Do their behaviors change?


These assessment levels can be used during training, at training completion, and after return to the workplace. However, the fourth level focuses on the training program’s return on investment to the organization. Successful training programs offer clear value to the participants and the organization as a whole. If participants see the value of the training, they will be receptive to it, and they will apply the learning in their workplace. If your organization can measure the value of training, your company’s bottom line benefits.

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