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Think from Their Perspective

Whenever your company plans a new training program, you should ask four basic questions about your proposed training audience:

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  • Who needs this training?
  • Why do they need it?
  • What do they already know?
  • What do they need to know?

When you initially define the training project, it is easy to assume that everyone already knows as much about the topic as you do.

For example, Jon is a training manager who needs a course that teaches updated PDA inventory procedures to warehouse employees. Jon has never worked in the warehouse, so it takes him a full day to learn how to use the PDA and follow the correct procedures. However, the people who work with the scanners every day know the PDA inside and out. What takes Jon a day to learn can actually be taught in an hour, because the training audience already uses the tool.


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  • Information that seems new or difficult to you may seem very familiar and easy to someone else.
  • Information that seems easy to you may be difficult for others.

Therefore, it is critical to know your training audience’s actual needs.

Build Courses around Actual Training Needs

Intulogy can assist you with assessing your training audience with a formal training needs analysis. During the needs analysis, we examine the training project from the perspective of your target training audience. In many cases, we talk with people within the target group to help uncover their actual needs.

Once you have defined your training audience, creating a training plan becomes much easier. You can clearly define the course’s training topics and select the correct delivery method.

Each page in this section explores a potential training audience, including:

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Intulogy offers advice for each training audience based on our specialists’ training experiences. After reading these pages, you can continue your research by reading relevant case studies.

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